
Apply to be a community partner at NFT Bucharest.
Complete this form. Please find the details about our standard community partnership on the next page.

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What we offer

- General access tickets invitations for your team (up to 5)

- General access tickets invitations to be raffled within your community (starting from 2 per month)

- A discount code on tickets to share with your community

What we expect

- Two monthly features on your Twitter sharing the discount code together with the free invitations. Mandatory: Everyone who participates in the gamification process needs to follow NFT Bucharest on Twitter (https://twitter.com/nft_bucharest

- A feature per month in your Newsletter, YouTube channel, and/or any similar large community channel.

Company Name
Are you able to attend NFT Bucharest (May 8-9)?
Representative name
Representative email
Representative phone number
Company description
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